A ceremonial journey of awakening your feminine fire, feminine power, and your kundalini shakti energy.

This 28-day experience contains two parts that harmonize and weave together. There is an energy transmission - a sound healing, guided meditation that is an activation and was ceremonially recorded. This is meant to be listened to every day, in pair with a 28-day series of journal prompts.

The audio transmission is to work with your subconscious, and spiritual-energetic body awakening the essence of pussy fire within you.

The journal prompts have been carefully crafted to mine the facets of your feminine psyche, illuminating, and awakening the power at your fingertips that you are subconsciously not claiming.

This journey is in honor of unraveling, awakening, and reclaiming the sacred energy of the feminine, and lighting the flame of the Goddess.

Are you ready to answer the call and reclaim your Goddess-given pussy fire rights?